Goodspring, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When searching for a new home in Goodspring City, it is helpful to know what the area is like. This information will help you decide if the area is right for you and your family. You will find information on the nearby population, schools, and amenities. You can also find out what kind of restaurants and coffee shops are nearby. For a better idea of the overall quality of life in Goodspring, you should consider the location of restaurants in the area.

In Goodsprings, NV, there are 176,750 residents. The majority of residents are White and African-American. The median age for residents is 34. The median household income is N/A. The city has a very low unemployment rate, with just 2.7% of residents being unemployed. There are a few neighborhoods in Goodsprings that have higher unemployment rates. There are also a lot of businesses that are open on Sundays.

The town's history dates back to 1904. It was named for cattleman Joseph Good, and was settled in 1910. By the time of World War I, there were about 800 people living in the area. The population continued to grow throughout the 1920s, and the town experienced a boom from World War II until the 1950s. Today, the town has a population of just over 200. The town has a rich history, and is home to many historic businesses.