Kodak, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kodak is approximately 8,188, with a gender ratio of 3:4. Males outnumber females with a median age of 34.4. There are 967 births and 650 deaths per year, and the city is home to approximately eight hundred people of one race or more. However, the city's overall diversity is not as high as other parts of the state, as it is home to approximately seventy different races.

There are four major cities within 75 miles of Kodak, including Nashville, Knoxville, and Memphis. The closest large cities can be used for booking flights between airports, while smaller towns are ideal for road trips. However, for a more precise target audience, it is a good idea to first determine whether the town is in your intended target demographic. If so, consider moving to the larger city.

While it is true that Rochester was a prosperous city during the mid-century, most of the city's prosperity was aimed at white men. By the mid-century, Rochester was a center for film production, and "to Xerox" was a common verb. Despite the many benefits and perks of Kodak, its generosity was often two-faced. In 1939, the state legislature's Commission on the Condition of the Colored Urban Population found that Rochester had a black porter and twenty-nine Black construction workers through a subsidiary.

As part of the Coloramas project, Kodak brought together some of the best photographs in America. One of the most famous images featured in the collection is a family in a convertible in Texas, a beauty pageant in Alabama, and a family swimming pool in New York. In addition to portraits, Kodak's Coloramas depict everyday life and the world of photography.