Leoma, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How safe is Leoma City? The violent crime rate is higher in the west than in the southwest and the southeast parts of the city have lower violent crime rates. This map is difficult to read because violent crime in Leoma is not symmetrical compared to the rest of the state. However, the southeast and north parts of Leoma are considered safe by residents. The following information can help you make an informed decision about your safety.

How walkable is Leoma City? A high walk score indicates a neighborhood with plenty of places to go and amenities close at hand. If you plan on shopping or dining at a restaurant, a high walk score is an indicator of a good neighborhood. Having places like Rick's Barbeque and grocery stores nearby can help you enjoy the quality of your life. You can also check out the population and steets in Leoma City to see how well the city is suited for families.

When choosing the location for your billboard advertising, keep in mind the local economic factors. Leoma, Tennessee is home to 5,079 residents and 1,845 households. The median home value in Leoma is $101,728. The average household size is 2.65. If you are looking to advertise your business on a billboard in Leoma, Tennessee, take these factors into consideration before deciding on the most effective advertisement.