Lookout Mountain, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population and steets in Lookout Mountain City are, this article is for you. Learn more about this town in Tennessee. There are approximately 5,400 residents. The population is spread out over a total of nine square miles, and the city is located in Hamilton county. The racial makeup of the city is primarily white, but black residents are also represented.

The majority of residents of Lookout Mountain, TN are White. Native Americans and African-Americans, however, represent a minority. The median income for all residents of Lookout Mountain is $102,262, with a 0% poverty rate. The percentage of residents living in poverty in Lookout Mountain is low and is lower than the national average. The median age of those living in Lookout Mountain, TN is 46.1 years.

The city has a wide age range. The youngest residents were just five years old, while the oldest residents were 65 years or older. Most households were made up of married couples, with only 4.5% of households comprised of single individuals. There were also non-families living in the city, making up a total of 23,066 households. There were a total of three evictions in Lookout Mountain during the 2016 calendar year.

The city's median household income is significantly higher than the state average, while its foreign-born population and unemployed population are much lower. In addition to the low unemployment rate, Lookout Mountain's average house age is significantly higher than the state average. Lookout Mountain also ranks among the safest places to raise a family, with a lower crime rate than the national average. If you're looking to move to Lookout Mountain City, this city might be for you.