Maynardville, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the Population & Steets in Mayndville City? This article will provide you with vital information about the area. Learn more about the city's residents and government officials. The following is a map that shows the racial makeup of Maynardville. The colors represent the self-identified racial majority in each area of the city. The darker shades mean a larger racial majority in that area. The green areas are more diverse than red ones, indicating that there are a variety of racial groups living in the same area.

The population of Maynardville is comprised of approximately 2,452 residents. The area is largely centered around State Route 33, which connects the town to Knoxville and Tazewell. The city is also accessible via State Routes 61 and 144, which connect the town to Plainview, Blaine, and Luttrell. The city has an area of 5.4 square miles (14 km2), and has a population of 2,456. The average household income is $31,396, and the median household income is approximately $31,392. The population of Maynardville has an average high school graduation rate of 61%, and is overwhelmingly white.

Crime in Maynardville is comparable to the state and national average, with only minor differences. There are 102 reported crimes per thousand residents in the northeast of the city and one in the northwest. The city's crime rate is lower than the state and national average, and crime rates in areas where few people live may appear higher than the actual rate. Crime is most prevalent where people congregate, so crime is most likely to occur.