Mosheim, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and steets data is important to understand where a community stands. The city of Mosheim is home to a number of small businesses, so knowing the current state of these businesses can help you choose the right location for your business. Below you will find the most recent data for Mosheim. You can also view maps and other details to find out more about the area. In addition, you can find out how many people live in Mosheim and what the average income is for a family there.

In 2019, Mosheim, TN had a population of 2,27k people. The median age was 47.3. The median household income was $42,772 in 2019. The population reflects a wide range of economic backgrounds, with 14.2% of the total population living below the federal poverty level. The five largest racial or ethnic groups are White (Non-Hispanic) (97.5%), Black or African American (0.28%), Asian (0.27%), and Two+ (0.13%). One hundred and ninety percent of the population speaks English as their first language.

The economy of Mosheim, TN employs 1.09k people. The top three industries in the city are Manufacturing (362 people), Retail Trade (148 people), and Health Care & Social Assistance. Of these, Transportation & Warehousing pays the highest wages in Mosheim, TN at $40,938 per year. The median household income in Mosheim, TN is $42,772 per year, which is slightly above the national average.