Munford, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population of Munford City, TN, keep reading. You'll learn about the city's average age and race, as well as its diverse ethnic composition. The city has a high percentage of black residents - 6.3% of the total population - as well as a low rate of Latinos and Hispanics (3.8%). If you want to know what the economy is like in Munford, you can find out by examining its statistics.

If you're moving to Munford City, Tennessee, you might want to explore the surrounding towns. Most people commute by car, and this is quicker than 80% of the state's population. Public transit is nonexistent in Munford, and walking is not as common as riding a bicycle. While the city is not the biggest, it has some unique characteristics. Here are some fun facts about Munford.

The cost of living in Munford City is relatively low. While there are some areas that are more expensive than others on a state and federal level, the overall cost of living in Munford is below average. This means that the cost of housing, utilities, groceries, and transportation is less than average. Health care and education are less expensive as well. If you're looking to relocate, you'll probably be able to find low-cost housing in Munford City.

The average household size in Munford is three people, which means there are more singles than married couples. The median age in Munford is 32 years old, and the average income is $53,600. Interestingly, Munford is home to about one hundred people per square mile. And there's no shortage of community activities in Munford, with a variety of activities and organizations to enjoy. In fact, the town even hosts events to celebrate its history and culture.