Palmersville, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Palmersville, Tennessee is a small unincorporated community with a post office with the ZIP code 38241 in northeastern Weakley County. The United States Census Bureau does not maintain demographic data for Palmersville. However, there are some important things to know about this unincorporated community. To learn more about Palmersville, check out the links below. Population & Steets in Palmersville City

The population of Palmersville is a diverse one and the number of different races varies considerably. The population percentages are slightly smaller than average or slightly larger than average. The population of this city is also growing as more seniors move to the area. As such, school attendance is higher than average. But the population is a mixed bag, and the statistics may not be representative of the city's actual demographics.

To find out more about Palmersville, Tennessee, use the link below. The map below will show you towns within a certain radius of Palmersville. These towns have populations of at least 250 people. If you want to know more about the town itself, visit the Palmersville city website. It will be well worth the visit! There are many interesting things to see here. People from all over the world visit this city and its surroundings.

Palmersville, Tennessee, is located in Weakley County. It covers an average amount of land and has a slightly larger than average population density. The population is diverse and comprises a nearly equal number of men and women. Nearly four7% of the population is considered to be under the age of five. However, the population of Palmersville is largely younger than the national average. This means that it is considered to be a growing city.