Pleasant Shade, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table presents the Population & Steets of Pleasant Shade City, TN. The data is compiled from a variety of sources and presented in different ways. The main focus of this table is on the ethnic makeup of the city. While some areas in Pleasant Shade have a large racial majority, others are a mix of races. In this table, the racial makeup of Pleasant Shade City is shown for each neighborhood.

One of the most important factors to consider when moving to Pleasant Shade is the neighborhood. The houses might all look similar, but a friendly homeowners association may be present. Another thing to consider is the availability of parking. You may find that most houses are not equipped with a garage. You may also need to consider the level of neighborhood maintenance. All of this information will be useful in deciding whether or not you want to move to a neighborhood.

The Crime Rate in Pleasant Shade varies between neighborhoods. In central neighborhoods, there is a crime rate of one in 28. In the northwest part, the crime rate is one in 49. It is difficult to compare crime rates with population maps of different cities, so the crime map presented above does an excellent job. It's worth noting, however, that the crime rate in some blocks of Pleasant Shade is higher than those in other areas of the city. However, a higher crime rate may only indicate a higher risk for residents.