Primm Springs, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking of moving to the area but don't know where to start, you may want to consider Population & Steets in Primmm Springs City, Tennessee. This city is located in Hickman County. The population is approximately 1228 people. The city is also home to a few universities. The crime rate in Primm Springs is low, with a low unemployment rate and no reported sex offenders.

The map above shows Primm Springs's racial makeup. The darker the color, the greater the racial diversity. You can view the diversity score for the city using the information provided. If you're planning a road trip to Primm Springs, the information below can provide you with some helpful details. You may also want to find out the average income per household in Primm Springs, TN.

The median age in Primm Springs is 51. About 72% of residents have completed high school. 15% have attended college or received some other type of post-secondary education. Only 2% of residents have completed graduate school. The median income in this city is $43,333. It's estimated that the median household income is $59,321. The demographics of Primm Springs include 133.2% white residents and 0.1% of Asian origin. The remaining residents are 2.2% Hispanic and 1.0% black.