Puryear, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Purday City? The city of Puryear is located in Henry County, Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 671. You can learn more about Puryear's population by checking out the information below. To get started, start with the population. Next, you can move on to the Steets and Population.

The population of Puryear, Tennessee is approximately 653 people, which is less than half of the state's total. The median commute time is 20.9 minutes, which is faster than the national average. The median home price is $122,600, and the city's home appreciation over the last ten years is 12.2%. This means that people can expect to see a steady appreciation in their home values.

Crime rates in Puryear are higher than average, but the city itself is relatively safe. According to the FBI, there are fewer crimes per 1,000 residents than in most major cities. In addition, Puryear has lower density than surrounding cities. Most crime occurs in residential neighborhoods, not in high-traffic areas. However, there are some exceptions. For example, some neighborhoods may have higher crime rates than others.

The median household income in Puryear is $195,000, which is lower than the state average. With an average household size of 2.2 people, Puryear has a low rent burden, which is a good indicator of housing affordability. Puryear is cheaper than neighboring cities, including Salem and Kenton, which both have rent burdens of nearly 30%. In Puryear, 21.3% of housing units are occupied by renters.