Straw Plains, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you understand the population and steets in Straw Plains City. It is important to understand these numbers so that you can decide if it is the right place to move to. This information is also useful for those who are interested in exploring the surrounding areas. If you want to make travel arrangements, you can look up cities that are nearby Strawberry Plains to save time.

The population of Straw Plains City is made up of a diverse group of individuals, including Hispanics, African Americans, and people from other countries. The city has a low percentage of foreign-born residents and the percentage of renters is significantly lower than the state average. The city's average house age is over twenty years, with four people living in each room. The city is also home to a low percentage of people with bachelor's degrees.

The crime rate of Strawberry Plains City varies greatly depending on the part of the city you live in. While there are low rates of crime in some areas, there are more crimes in more dangerous areas. However, the city is generally as safe as the state average when compared to other small and large cities. You can find a map of crime in Strawberry Plains below. This map shows the number of crimes per 1,000 residents. You can use this information to determine if a neighborhood is safe for you or your family.