Toone, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Toone City is estimated to be 364 as of the 2010 census. The population is estimated to grow to 336 by 2020. The town was incorporated over 166 years ago in 1855. It is located in Hardeman County, Tennessee. The ZIP code for Toone is 38381. There are many things you can learn about this town. Below you'll find information about the population and street count in Toone City.

Crime Map: The Crime Grade crime map shows you which parts of Toone are safer than others. Red areas indicate neighborhoods where crime is most likely to happen. Yellow areas are moderately safe. A C grade means that the crime rate is slightly higher than the national average. Toone ranks in the 40th percentile for safety. Sixty percent of cities are safer than Toone, while 40% are a little bit more dangerous. The Crime Grade only applies to neighborhoods within the city's proper boundaries.

The Family Size of Toone: Toone is a city with a family size of 4.1. Compared to Tennessee, Toone has a lower birth rate than its sister town, Hornsby, which has the highest number of single people. Nonetheless, this does not mean that Toone is not a great place to live. Regardless, it is a great place to live and work!