Trezevant, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Trezvant City are reported as raw head counts. This is the population density per square mile. It is important to note that the Trezevant city population is not all white. It is composed of approximately 16.9% black people. The minority group includes 1.3% Hispanic residents. The median household income in Trezevant is $28,919. The average household income is $35,884. The majority of people living in Trezevant are white. The majority of people living in Trezevant are employed in manufacturing occupations.

The median property value in Trezevant was $65,600 in 2019. This is 0.273 times smaller than the national average. This city has a 70.7% homeownership rate. Its unemployment rate is 3.7%. This number includes both the labor force and the unemployed population. About 15.8% of the population works for the state, federal, or local government. The median household income is $39,500.

The average crime rate in Trezevant is eight per year. The area around parks and airports is low. Fewer Trezevant residents live near recreational areas, so the crime rate may appear higher in these areas. However, crime does happen anywhere. Regardless of the area, crime rates are high in some areas and low in others. This can make a crime-ridden area seem safer. In any case, crime statistics are always updated to keep residents aware of what to expect in the neighborhood.

The Trezevant city population is comprised of whites and blacks. A census of this population is needed to calculate the actual population. You can find out more about this by searching the census online. If you're looking for an assisted living facility, it's a great idea to check out the rates and amenities available in the area. There are many options for people who need assistance in finding the right home or care for their loved one.