Allison, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets in Allison City, IA, you have come to the right place. Allison is a city in Iowa that has a population of approximately 1,160 people. The median household income in Allison is $52,750, which is slightly higher than the state average. This makes Allison an affordable place to live for many people. The median gross rent in Allison is $638 per month, making it a good place to live for a family of four.

The following data is based on Census and ESRI reports on evictions. The percentage of evictions in Allison City is 3% higher than the state average. In 2016, Allison had one eviction. The other cities, including Rockford and Meservey, had none. These numbers may be misleading. In order to determine how much of an impact these statistics have on your decision-making, make sure to visit these sites.

South Allison Hill is a low-income neighborhood that contains the highest population. While it has the lowest median household income, it has the fourth-highest total income, indicating that residents are well-off enough to spend. Despite the high rate of unemployment, residents spend their high-income totals on consumer goods and services. In fact, the total spending in South Allison Hill is about six million dollars more than they earn before taxes. This indicates that public programs are critical income sources in these neighborhoods.