Ballinger, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Balllinger City? The following data will give you a quick overview of the demographics of this city. As of 2019, the median age of all residents in Ballinger is 46.6. The median age for people who are native-born in this city is 46, while that of foreign-born residents is 58. The most common occupations in Ballinger are Education Instruction & Library Occupations, Food Preparation & Serving Related Occupations, and Construction / Extraction Occupations.

The median annual income for residents of Ballinger, TX is $42,813, which is lower than the $55,712 average for all Americans. The median household income in Ballinger was $39,156 in 2018, a 9.34% annual growth. A majority of residents (78%) are employed by the government, while 14.7% are employed by the private sector. For those who have a college degree, the average salary for Ballinger residents is $79,428.

As of 2017, the population of Ballinger, TX is 2.3k, with a median age of 46.6 and a median household income of $42,813. The median household income in Ballinger was $39,156 in 2013, and $32,813 in 2019. The city has a diverse demographic makeup, with 5 major ethnic groups being represented. The majority of residents are White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Hispanics, Two+, and Other. 0% of residents do not speak English as their first language.

During the 1900s, the population of Ballinger increased from 1,128 residents to 3,536 residents. Although the city has always been considered excellent for raising livestock, the change from stock raising to farming is apparent. There are a few historical records in Ballinger. In 1910, the population of the city grew significantly. The Ballinger Post Office is located at 201 North Broadway Street. 106 North 9th Street is the city's municipal court.