Blessing, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing the population and steets of Blessing, Texas, you're in luck. The city is home to about 1,524 people. The median home value in Blessing is $61,226 and the average household size is 2.75 people. The median age is 35. The median household income is $32,344 and the average household income is $44,877. Residents of Blessing are 78% white and 50% African American.

There are approximately 468 people living in Blessing, TX. The median property value is $136,900, which is 0.569 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate is 69.2%, which is slightly higher than the national average. Approximately 30 percent of residents are self-employed, making Blessing a great place to live. The average commute time is 14.3 minutes, but many people choose to take public transportation. Residents of Blessing own their own cars, which is about average for a city in Texas.

The median income in Blessing, TX is N/A, which is about the same as the national average of $65,712. The rate of income inequality is 0.48. There are 218 people employed in the local economy, including 66 in Manufacturing. The next-highest paying jobs in Blessing are in Accommodation & Food Services, which employs 58 people. Overall, these sectors make up about half of the total employment in Blessing.