Blooming Grove, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the Population & Steets in Bloomingham Grove City, NY, you've come to the right place. Read below to learn more about this town. Located in Orange County, NY, Blooming Grove is home to approximately 18,028 people. Its location is in the central part of the county. The population of Blooming Grove is largely white.

During a typical year, 3.25 per thousand residents in Blooming Grove suffer from violent crime. Residents of the northwest portion of the city report that they feel the most safe. Southwest neighborhoods have a violent crime rate of 1 in 284, while the northwestern portion of the city has a violent crime rate of 1 in 315. Comparing these numbers is not as simple as it sounds.

The area around Blooming Grove is home to some of the nation's largest wineries. The county is home to the Brotherhood Winery, the oldest continuously operating winery in the United States. It has an area of approximately 35 square miles or 91 square kilometers. Residents work in a variety of industries. In 2010, 29.3% of residents in Blooming Grove were renters. However, if you're looking for a quieter town, this one might be right for you.

The majority of residents of Blooming Grove, TX are white. However, a large minority of people live below the poverty line. The rate of child poverty in Blooming Grove is 26.5% and households in Blooming Grove, TX earn under $20 per hour. Approximately 58.4% of residents of Blooming Grove, TX are employed and hold a high school education. Listed below are the major cities and towns that are within 100 miles of Blooming Grove, TX.