Brazoria, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Brazoria City, Texas, is just under 2k, with a majority of residents being white (56.3%), followed by black or African American (41.9%). A quarter of residents in Brazoria are non-Hispanic, while the remaining 25% are Hispanic. You can see the 7 races represented in Brazoria by looking at the chart below.

For the city's population and census information, visit the website of the Brazoria Library. You can find the name of the library, its address, phone number, and a map of the city. If you need to know more about the city, check out its online map. You can also use the link below to look up important information about Brazoria. There is a variety of information about the area and its people, so it's important to learn about its history.

The median income in Brazoria is $36,058 for a family of four. Males earn $35,000 on average, while females make $22,547. Per capita income is $16,666. Ten percent of the population and 13.3% of families fall below the poverty line. You can use demographic data to determine your target audience. Consider factors such as home ownership and median household income when determining your target audience.

The median annual income of the people in Brazoria, Texas is $53,516, which is less than the $75,712 median in the United States. Compared to the median Brazoria, TX home value of $176,234 in 2020, it was up $48,717 from the previous decade. Brazoria, TX is part of the larger Houston metro area, which is the fourth largest in the country. It covers 900 square miles and spreads 50 miles in either direction.