Brookesmith, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides statistics about the Population & Steets of Brookesmith City. These statistics may be useful in determining the safety of your home. Vivint, a partner of ours, provides a free quote on its products and services. This article also provides a map of violent crimes in the city. We've included a map that closely resembles the state's population maps. This simple map shows that violent crimes are most prevalent in the north part of Brookesmith City, while the southwest part of the city has fewer violent crimes.

If you'd like to explore the surrounding areas, you'll find a list of nearby cities and towns. You can find cities within 100 miles of Brookesmith City by using the list below. There are many benefits to using these lists. They're also handy when exploring the local area. They make it easy to compare different cities. You can find out which towns are near the city center or have lower population densities than Brookesmith, TX.

In terms of age, the population of Brookesmith is comprised of both males and females. Of these, 27.5% of people were under the age of eighteen years, 12.8% were between the ages of 25 and 44, and 16.2% were over the age of 65. The median age was 33 years, with males outnumbering females by nine0.6 to one.