Burkeville, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Burkeville, VA is located in the state of Virginia. The city is part of the Charlotte County Metropolitan Statistical Area. There are roughly 16,000 people living in Burkeville, and the population of Burkeville is based on these statistics. The city has a high median income, but its residents often face the problem of housing affordability. The cost of renting a home is high in Burkeville, and the rent burden is high too. Compared to other cities in the state, Burkeville has the highest rent burden.

The median income in Burkeville, VA is $28,277 for men and $29,868 for women. The median commute time is 18.8 minutes, faster than the national average. Burkeville's median home price is $127,600, and the median home appreciation over the past 10 years has been 2.9%. Residents in Burkeville live in two-story, three-story homes. There are a total of 398 public schools in the city.

The city is home to a large military presence, with over 150 people living in the city. The military can be seen in both civilian and military clothes when they visit the city. However, this does not make them a minority in the city. As long as they have a valid reason to be there, this population has no discrimination. It is a good place for a family. For a weekend getaway, consider the city of Burkeville.

The city has an average household size of 2.37 people. The majority of people in Burkeville are White. The town has a relatively low percentage of African Americans and Latinos. The city is home to 2 airmen and 1 pilot. Its median household income is significantly lower than the state average. The percentage of foreign-born people and Hispanics living in the city is significantly below the state average.