Cactus, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How to find out the Population & Steets of Cactus City? Listed below is information on the various racial and ethnic groups that live in the area. Cactus has a high percentage of White and Black residents, while the Native population is extremely low. The following chart shows the various race and ethnic groups in Cactus, TX. These statistics can be confusing, so here is some information that may help.

The Rent Burden in Cactus City is the percentage of household income spent on rental housing. Rent burden is a useful indicator of housing affordability in a city. While the rent burden in Cactus is lower than the 29.3% in Texas, it is higher than neighboring cities such as Lakin and White Deer, which both have rent burdens of 17.8%. Furthermore, 54.3% of housing units in Cactus are occupied by renters.

The median property value in Cactus is $52,000. In 2019, the homeownership rate was 53.3%, which was below the national average of 64.1%. A majority of residents of Cactus City drive alone to work, and commute times were on average eleven minutes. Cactus is home to two cars per household. Overall, there are about 3.25k residents in Cactus, TX.

In the same way that Cactus is smaller than other cities in Texas, its Population & Steets are much lower than the State's average. The city has a low percentage of single people compared to the state of Texas. Hartley, TX has the highest percentage of singles. This suggests that it is possible for people to live happily together in Cactus City.