Celeste, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Celeste City are important to determine the quality of life in Celeste. Although it's subjective, demographics can give you a general idea of the area. For example, 67% of homes in Celeste are owned by their owners, with an average household size of 2.9 people. Other factors, such as distance from nature, public schools, and shopping centers, can affect your decision to purchase a home in Celeste City.

Celeste is home to 889 people, of which 100% are U.S. citizens. The median property value was $70,700 and 66.8% of the population was homeowners. About half of Celeste residents commuted alone to work. The average commute time was 36.4 minutes, and most households owned two cars. For residents with bachelor's degrees, education is very important. The median household income in Celeste is $34,875 for men and $23,250 for women.

As the population of Celeste continues to grow, its economy is showing signs of economic distress. A large number of evictions may be an indication that the economy is going downhill. Despite the small size, Celeste has a variety of opportunities for its residents. For example, the community's water works and railroad infrastructure are important resources for the community. Besides the railroads, Celeste also has a public school, a church, and a weekly newspaper.

Listed below are the most common characteristics of homes in Celeste, TX. These include good schools, daycares, and things to do. You can also find homes for sale in Celeste. The population of Celeste is expected to grow by 4.5 percent in 2020. The community has a diverse population and is well-developed. A quick check on the population and schools will help you decide which neighborhood is right for you.