Colmesneil, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at population and steets in Colmesneil city, Texas, it is important to understand the different ethnic groups in the area. The number of people of European descent in Colmesneil is the second highest in the country, followed by the Americans. Native Americans and Hawaiians make up the largest percentage of residents in Colmesneil, Texas. While the majority of residents are White, there are a few groups of people who are black.

The city of Colmesneil has a population of 643 people. The median household income is $41,813, and the percent of people who are single is the lowest in the city. Lastly, the median age is the lowest in Colmesneil, Texas. If you are looking for a community that is less than half as old as you are, you may want to look in a neighboring city.

In addition to the walk score, the neighborhood's distance from the center of the city will help you determine if it is a walkable community. Homes in Colmesneil are 73% owner-occupied, and the average household size is 2.8 people. Quality of life is a personal choice, and some people enjoy the quiet and peace of a suburban neighborhood. Others, on the other hand, prefer a city with a convenient walkable center and reasonable commute times.

The population of Colmesneil is approximately 542 people. The city is located on U.S. Highway 69, 9 miles north of Woodville. The city was home to a mill in the 1880s, which is now closed. Despite its small size, the city boasts a rich pre-World War II architectural history. With a population of just 542, Colmesneil is one of the smallest communities in Texas.