Cottonwood Shores, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Cottonwood Shores city, Texas, then you've come to the right place! The city is located in Burnet County, Texas, and has a total population of 1,313. The time zone in Cottonwood Shores is Central Daylight Time, which is six hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. You'll find many options for transportation in this Texas city, including bus, rail, and taxi.

When it comes to the population of Cottonwood Shores, Texas, there are a number of interesting statistics to consider. Compared to the national average of 64.1%, the population of Cottonwood Shores is slightly older. This city's median age was three years less than the median age in the U.S. and five years younger than its nearest neighbor. Those who were born abroad have a significantly shorter commute time, with only 0.519% of workers reporting super-commutes.

Another important factor in determining a city's safety is crime statistics. The city's crime map shows which areas are the most dangerous, and which are the safest. The red areas are areas where crime is most likely to occur, while yellow and orange are areas where crime is lower. While the crime rate in Cottonwood Shores is lower than the national average, it's still lower than the national average.

The median income for households in Cottonwood Shores, TX is $54,766, which is slightly less than the state's average of $65,712. The gender gap in this Texas city is 0.48 percent. In comparison to the national average, males make 1.4 times as much as females, and the gender gap is 0.48%. The median household income in Cottonwood Shores, TX is $54,766.