Daisetta, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population and steets of Daisetta City, Texas, you've come to the right place. Here, you'll find basic information about the city, including the ZIP code list and ZIP+4 code list, as well as a map. You can also view the population by school. To get more information about schools in Daisetta, visit the schools page.

The United States Census Bureau reports that 61.1% of residents are white, 12.3% are black or African American, 0.7% are American Indian or Alaska Native, 5.4% are Hispanic or Latino, and 2.6% are of other races. Census respondents are asked to list their ancestry. The most common ancestries are English, French, and Irish, but German and Czech ancestry is very concentrated in Daisetta.

The median income in Daisetta City is $26,050, or $47 per person. About half of those residents are considered middle class, with the other half of households experiencing economic hardship. A higher percentage of adults than average earn more than six figures. And for those who aren't employed, a college education can help. At least 87.2% of Daisetta residents have at least a high school diploma.