Darrouzett, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for Population & Steets in Dar Rouzett City, TX, you have come to the right place. In this article, you will find useful information about this area. You can learn about the family structure in this city and the different types of households that live there. The percentage of households that have children is also provided. In Darrouzett, there are more households that have two parents than there are households headed by just a single person.

If you are looking for Population & Steets in Dar Rouzett City, TX, you should know that the city is only about 302 people. Its population peaked in 2010 at 350 people, and is projected to grow to 15123 people by 2022. While this city is small, it has grown by just 0.6% since 2000, which is faster than the growth rate of other similar sized cities.

Darrouzett, Texas has a median age of 46.4. The median age for both men and women is only 4.1% higher than the median age for women in this area. In addition to median age, Darrouzett also has a median household income of $53,125. The median age for people in Darrouzett is also lower than the median age for the state of Texas.

Darrouzett's rent burden is a good indicator of housing affordability in a city. Compared to the state average of 29.3%, Darrouzett's rent burden is lower than neighboring cities, such as Thomas and Seiling. As of 2016, 32.2% of homes in Darrouzett City are occupied by renters. This is significantly lower than the national average of 31.9%.