Dougherty, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for the population and steets in Dougherty City, GA, you'll find that there are many options. However, you may be wondering what you can do if you're not sure what's there. Fortunately, we have some information for you. Below, you'll find a list of cities that are within 100 miles of this community.

A quick look at the census data will reveal that 70% of Dougherty's residents are African Americans. While many people attribute this to the city's history of slavery, it's also a place where social inequity, poverty, and chronic disease are prevalent. African Americans are also particularly vulnerable to covid-19, which has high rates in cities like Detroit and Milwaukee. This fact should be taken into account as you consider moving to a new community in Dougherty.

Albany is the seat of Dougherty County and has been a major commercial center for the region for most of its history. While Albany had its share of competitors in the early 20th century, it remains the regional urban center today. In addition to this, the city is home to a significant museum. The Albany Museum of Art is the largest collection of African art in the Southeast. This museum and the other city's historic buildings and parks make Albany a thriving and interesting place to live.