Eagle Pass, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Eagle Pass is composed of many different demographic groups. Approximately 43.5% of the population is under the age of 18 years old. Another 8.6% of the population is between the ages of 25 to 44 years. The remaining 19.3% are people who do not have a spouse, and 13.1% are senior citizens living alone. The average household size is 3.22 and the median family size is 3.69.

As a city located along the border with Mexico, Eagle Pass is home to many foreign-born residents. On a normal weekday, the city receives around 6,000 people, and around 10,000 on weekends. A majority of these visitors stay within the city limits. This means that the city has a low crime rate and a high school test score average.

Residents of Eagle Pass also have access to the Eagle Pass Public Library, located in a historic building. The library is open to the public and offers a variety of Spanish-language books. There is also a computer wing in the basement and a section for children's books on the top floor.

Located in a border region between the United States and Mexico, Eagle Pass is home to many business opportunities. The city is the most direct route between San Antonio and major trade centers in Mexico. The city has a population of 28,255 and the metropolitan area is over two hundred thousand. As a relatively young city, Eagle Pass has plenty of room for growth.