Fort Hood, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Fort Hood is a city in Texas. It is located around 47 miles from the center of each city. The following list includes both big cities and smaller ones that are located nearby Fort Hood. The following information is intended to help you get a feel for the area. You can use it to get directions from one city to another. There are many hotels in Fort Hood, Texas. You can use this information to choose the perfect hotel for your trip.

As the Army expanded its presence in Texas, it expanded into Killeen. This new base began to put pressure on the city's infrastructure. Additional schools and sewage facilities were needed to support the new military presence. The city also needed more police officers and firefighters. The city also had to expand its road system. In the 1950s, the city drew a master plan for amenities. The first recession in the 1950s was followed by another in mid-1959. That year, the first Armored Division returned to Fort Hood.

For the most accurate demographics, consider the median household income of each of these neighborhoods. The Fort Hood population is 30739, with a median household income of $40,660. In addition to median income, consider the Fort Hood area's poverty rate. Depending on where you are living, there is likely to be an income gap between these two categories. However, Fort Hood offers many benefits that make it a great place to live.