Grangerland, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Grangrland City? Here you'll find the information you need. This page also contains a list of nearby cities, so you can get a feel for the city. You can also use it to plan your trip, or just to find out what's nearby. Once you've found the population and steets for Grangerland City, you can easily compare them to the national average.

Real estate in Grangerland consists of mostly medium and small mobile homes, and most of it is owner-occupied. This means that the homes are usually empty year-round, which may indicate weak demand for real estate. There's also a high number of newer homes in the area that aren't yet occupied. That means that if you're looking to purchase real estate in Grangerland, it's best to start looking around.

The population of Grangerland is composed of both single and multi-family dwellings. The majority of Grangerland city residents identify as Mexican, with a minority of German and Dutch. Only 10.2% of Grangerland residents identify as foreign born. And the remaining population is made up entirely of immigrants, so you're likely to meet many people you don't recognize. But whether or not you're looking to relocate, consider the population of Grangerland before making the final decision.