Haslet, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered about the Population & Steets in Haslets City? The answer may surprise you. This article will answer this question and more. In Haslet, Texas, there are approximately 845 residents. There are four main racial groups, namely: White, Native American, Black, and Hispanic. The percentage of people living below the poverty line is below the national average and varies by age and race.

The city of Haslet is located in Northeast Texas. The most pleasant months are October, April, and May. The wettest months are July and August. The population of Haslet is 2,137 and has increased by 12.9% since the year 2020. It is home to a median house price of $492,600. Explore the area through the interactive map below. You can also learn about the schools, shopping centers, and other features of Haslet by using the map below.

The crime rate in Haslet is very low when compared to nearby cities. The city has no major airport and only two parks. However, there is a small percentage of residents who live near parks and recreational areas. As a result, crime rates may appear higher than they actually are. Crime happens where people are. And since the crime rate in Haslet is lower than the national average, this is very encouraging for residents.

Haslet's population is approximately 1/3 of the size of Texas. Its population is made up of people who are married or who are divorced. Its percentage of divorced residents ranks first in the state. Lastly, Haslet has the lowest number of people who are single and have children. The population density is low in Haslet, with a Family Size of 2.9. It is a small town, but a growing city.