Highland Village, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and the steets of the city of Highland Village are listed below. It is important to know these numbers when you're planning a trip to this area. The following is a list of nearby cities to help you plan your trip to Highland Village. You may also want to take a look at cities within 100 miles of Highland Village, TX. By doing so, you'll know which cities to visit if you're unsure where to stay.

The percentage of Highland Village, TX residents who own a car is higher than the national average. This percentage is even higher when compared to neighboring cities and parents. Highland Village's residents also have a shorter commute than the national average, with 34 minutes averaging a 30-minute commute time. Walking to work, meanwhile, is not an option for most residents. As with many cities, Highland Village residents don't have much choice when it comes to public transportation.

Residents of Highland Village have higher education levels than the national average. One in five Highland Village residents has a bachelor's degree, and nearly two-thirds of residents have an advanced degree. People in this city have a variety of careers based on their education levels. Manufacturing, healthcare, and retail are the four most popular industries. Together, these four industries make up nearly two-thirds of the city's labor force.