Katemcy, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are some basic facts about Katemcy city that you should know. Before you can understand Katemcy's population statistics, you should know what makes it so special. This small town is located between San Angelo and San Antonio. In the past, it was called Hammerville. Today, you can find a map of Katemcy city showing its population. This map is very useful, because it will tell you how many different races live in Katemcy.

The number of burglaries in Katemcy City is low, which is good news for residents. Despite having a low population density, Katemcy is safer than other similar cities. In fact, the city is safer than the Texas state and national averages. However, the number of burglaries per thousand people in Katemcy is higher in some neighborhoods than others. If you want to know what the crime rate is in Katemcy City, it is best to know its demographics.

If you want to explore Katemcy, TX and its surroundings, it can be useful to know the population and steets of nearby towns. These cities are within 97 miles of Katemcy, TX. The list includes big cities and smaller towns. For example, if you live in Katemcy, TX, you can search for flights to nearby cities.