Kilgore, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for population and steets statistics for Kilgore City, TX, this list will give you some information on the local area. This is the ideal tool if you're traveling to the area but are not quite sure where to begin. Below is a list of the cities that are nearest Kilgore City, Texas. This list will help you find a nearby town or large city that you can visit.

There are four main employment sectors in Kilgore City. The most common occupation is office and administrative support, with an estimated 850 people employed in this industry. Another large industry is production, with 605 people employed in this area. This growth rate is indicative of the growth of the economy, with oil production remaining the city's mainstay. The city's population has fluctuated greatly throughout the 1930s and early 1950s, stabilizing at around 10,000. The current population estimate is just under fifteen thousand.

In the 1930s, oil and gas production in East Texas led to the development of several towns in the area. Kilgore had more than one hundred producing oil wells within its city limits at the peak of the boom. The city's explosive growth was too much for civic services to cope. As a result, the city's skyline was filled with oil derricks. The city was eventually incorporated in February 1931.