Kirbyville, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to move to a new city, one of the main considerations will be the cost of living. Compared to other cities in the U.S., Kirbyville has a lower cost of living than the national average. Additionally, utilities, groceries, miscellaneous goods and services are less expensive here than in many other places. Regardless of where you are moving, the following information can help you decide if Kirbyville is right for you.

The racial and ethnic groups most likely to be living below the poverty line in Kirbyville, TX are White, Hispanic, and Other. This percentage is lower than the national average of 65.9%, but higher than the average for parent and neighboring geographies. In terms of transportation, 81.8% of households in Kirbyville, TX used private vehicles, 7.12% carpooled, and 5.73% used some other means to get to work. The chart below shows how many households in Kirbyville, TX commuted via automobiles, buses, or other modes of public transportation over time. The logarithmic scale helps explain the variation in smaller means of commuting.

Another important metric to consider when determining whether a city is affordable is the rent burden. The rent burden measures the proportion of a household's income that is spent on rental housing. It is helpful when determining if a city's housing is affordable to people who cannot afford to buy a home. Kirbyville has a lower rent burden than other nearby cities like Galena and Verona, which both have a higher percentage of rent-paying households.