Luling, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can use the information in this article to determine the population & steets of Luling City. You'll be able to locate the nearest cities, as well as get general information about Luling. For example, you can look up cities within 100 miles of Luling City. The following table shows the population & steets of Luling City. You can find out the number of people living in each neighborhood.

The city of Luling, Texas is located in southern Caldwell County. The population is approximately 4,930 people. The median age is 40.7, and the median household income is $48,919. Luling has experienced a growth of approximately 8.2% over the last decade. It is the 145th largest city in Texas, and the growth rate is below the national average. There are also other cities that are growing faster than Luling.

The median household income in Luling is $33,588. Nearly sixty percent of Luling's residents are homeowners. The median household income in the city is $43,403. The median age is 39. The median racial makeup of Luling is Hispanic. Other races and ethnicities make up the remaining percentages. In terms of education, 62% of the people in the city have finished high school.

The median age for Luling City, TX residents is 40.7 years. This is a bit older than the average age in the state. The average age was 35 years in 2018. Most people are foreign born, with the most common origin being Mexico. Over 2,517,866 Texas residents were born in Mexico. El Salvador and India had the next largest percentage of foreign-born residents. These two countries are home to a significant number of people in Luling.