Mc Queeney, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following data shows the Population & Steets in McQueeney, Texas. In the city, the median property value was $141,800. The median household income was $56,047. The poverty rate was 2.89%, making the Mcqueeney area one of the poorest in the country. There are many things to know about McQueeney before deciding to live here.

The city has a low rate of renter occupied housing, which is important when estimating housing affordability. McQueeney has a lower rent burden than its sister cities, such as Wimberley, Helotes, and Austin, Texas. Twenty-five percent of McQueeney's housing units are occupied by renters, which indicates that McQueeney is a great place for young families.

The median age for all residents of McQueeney, TX was 44.6 in 2019. Native-born residents were on average 44 years old, while foreign-born residents were on average 52 years old. Although the median age for all residents is increasing, the age of McQueeney residents is still relatively low compared to the national average. The largest minority group living in McQueeney is White, followed by Hispanics and Other people.

Per capita income in McQueeney, TX is $32,094 per person. That's considered upper middle-income, and is equivalent to $128,376 for a family of four. While this area is home to both rich and poor people, it's not uncommon to see individuals with very high incomes and lower-income families living in the area. You can also find information about the schools in McQueeney by examining the school district's list.