Millersview, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Millersview City are fairly similar to those of nearby cities. However, the crime rate in Millersview is lower than most other cities in the state of Texas and the nation. Crime rates can be misleading, since it is not always easy to determine which area is more dangerous than others.

From 1908 to 2000, the population of Millersview was approximately 175 people. The population has increased over time. By 1914, there were three churches in Millersview, three mercantile stores and a grocer. In 1931, the population had increased to 300. In 1933, the population had decreased to 100. In 1940, the school had eight teachers. The school closed after the 1957-58 school year.

The zip code for Millersview City is 76862. It is located in Concho County, Texas. It also borders Coleman County. It is considered to be a Lower Middle Class zip code in Texas. The United States Postal Service calls the city "Millersview".

As for the demographics, the population of Millersview City is mostly white. A small percentage of residents is black. The area is also home to a small minority of Hispanics. The percentage of children under 18 is very low.