Mobeetie, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering how many people live in Mobeetie City, Texas, you've come to the right place. Mobeetie is a city in northwestern Wheeler County. Located across Sweetwater Creek from Texas Route 152, the city has a population of 107. The name Mobeetie was first thought to be a Native American word for Sweetwater, but later discovered to mean buffalo feces.

The most common race in Mobeetie City is Other, with a population of NaN% below the poverty line. While this race has a lower poverty rate than any other race, it is still significantly lower than any other group. In fact, Mobeetie has more men than women. The city's population is also more ethnically diverse, with nearly 60% of households headed by men.

The median income for the 76 residents of Mobeetie is $43,889, making it one of the wealthiest cities in Texas. The poverty rate in Mobeetie is 0.0%, which means that a person living in this city is significantly better off than someone living in the rest of the state. And, despite being a small city, Mobeetie has a low unemployment rate (less than two per cent) and a high proportion of its population.

The percentage of households living in Mobeetie City is lower than in neighboring towns, including Rocky, TX. The number of households is 10.7%, compared to 10.4% nationally. In Mobeetie, fewer people live in rented homes. That is a good thing. And the city's low unemployment rate reflects this trend. So, why should you consider moving to Mobeetie City?