Oak Point, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Oak Point, Texas is estimated to be approximately 6,820 people, and is one of the most populous cities in Northeast Texas. The warmest months are October, April and May, while the coldest are July and August. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the median age in Oak Point is 39.5 years, with a population growth rate of 33.1% since 2020. The median home value is $296,300, and there are several schools located in the city.

The median age in Oak Point, TX is 40.8 years old. The median age of native-born residents was 39, while those from other countries were older. The most common racial and ethnic groups were Hispanic and White, with the least number of residents from African-American countries. Despite this, Oak Point, TX was one of the most diverse cities in Texas, with a mixture of black, hispanic, and other races making up the majority of the population.

In terms of crime, Oak Point has a low population density compared to other cities. While the crime rate may be low, it is higher in neighborhoods near major airports and parks. While there may be little crime in areas close to these areas, this is only a proxy for crime. Where there are people, there is crime. That is why it is so important to have a comprehensive knowledge of population density in Oak Point.