Paluxy, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Palluxy City are listed below. If you're interested in learning more about the history of the city, read on! You'll be happy you did! In 1887, the population of Paluxy was around one hundred. It increased to 164 in 1900, but has since dwindled to about eighty. In the 1950s, it was around four hundred.

Besides being a local town, Paluxy, TX is part of a larger metropolitan area. Listed below are several cities close to Paluxy, TX. The biggest cities are listed above, and many have major airports. You can also check out cities close to Paluxy, TX by searching for flights to nearby cities. These cities may have a larger population than Paluxy, but still have a lower cost of living than the local area.

The USPS uses a default name for cities like Paluxy. The city is also referred to as Paluxy, and that's what the ZIP code refers to it. The postal service uses a five-digit code, and a detailed nine-digit code to identify individual addresses. This makes it easy to find addresses within the city. And, it's easy to find a map of the city!