Premont, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Premont crime statistics are higher than the state average, but still lower than the national average. Premont has high crime rates, which may deter citizens from participating in beneficial activities. High crime rates also may discourage businesses from moving to a city, resulting in lower tax revenue, increased unemployment, and higher insurance premiums. To protect your family from these issues, it is important to understand the crime statistics in Premont. Below you can find detailed crime statistics for Premont.

The population of Premont, TX is composed of 97.3% white residents, 0.6% black people, and 0.0% Asians. The median household income in Premont is $35,470. There are approximately 311 households in the area. Sixty-eight percent of the people living in Premont have a high school education. Moreover, the median household income is $25,163, making it a good choice to target a local audience.

The population of Premont is largely renter-occupied. While there are evictions for lease violations, the most common cause is failure to pay rent. If you notice an unusually high rate of evictions, it may be an indication that the economy has declined. If you are considering moving to Premont City, it is important to understand the demographics of the city before deciding to invest in real estate in this community.

The ZIP code for Premont City is 78375. The zip code contains the population, school, library, hospital, and university. To find out more, visit the Premont library's website. Using the zip code can be helpful if you're unsure about the location of a library. There's a link to the library on the Premont city page that includes the name, address, and phone number.