Sterling City, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Sterling City, TX, you'll need to know what the median age is in the city. In 2019, the median age of all Sterling City residents was 37.4, while the median age for foreign-born residents was 35. The median age for all residents in Sterling City, TX was 45 in 2018. The most common countries of birth for foreign-born people in Sterling City, TX, were Mexico, India, and El Salvador.

The chart below shows the percentage of households in Sterling City, TX who use each mode of transportation. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show variations in smaller forms of transportation. Households in Sterling City, TX are broken down into car ownership buckets, with one-car households being the highest. Those who own a vehicle are the second most likely to drive than those without a car, making it a popular mode of transportation for many people in the area.

The population of Sterling City was 83,786 in the 2010 Census. There were 60.5 percent of households with children under the age of eighteen, 14.1% of households with married couples, and 17.3% of households with people between 45 and 64. In addition, there were 13.7% of households with individuals and 12.7% of households with seniors living alone. The average household size in Sterling City was 2.69 people, and the median household size was 3.18.