Trinity, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Trinity? This article will give you some useful information about Trinity City. You can find out how many people live in Trinity City and where they are from by using the U.S. Census Bureau. The data that you see below is from census blocks. Listed below are the most important statistics for Trinity City, Texas. You can use this data to decide whether or not to move to this community.

The median property value in Trinity, TX was $54,300 in 2019, which is 0.225 times lower than the national average. This city's homeownership rate was 56.7%, which is lower than the national average. Most people lived in Trinity, TX alone, so their commute time was average at 19.3 minutes. There were about 2 cars per household, which is about the average across the country. Overall, there are 2.76k people living in Trinity.

Before the city grew up, most people living in Trinity engaged in agricultural and lumbering. In fact, the town grew into a major transportation hub for the lumber industry in East Texas, with more than thirty sawmills and 160 miles of railroad track. The first lumber mill in Trinity was Thompson Brothers Lumber Company. In 1922, it was purchased by Sanderson-Ferguson interests. Then, in 1952, the company changed its name to Rock Creek Lumber Company and later became the Texas Long Leaf Lumber Company. The Texas Long Leaf Lumber Company was eventually purchased by Southland Paper Mills, and the town was incorporated in 1955.

Trinity's founding was secured in the year 1789. A six-year lease on land north of the city secured its future. Queen Anne made the land grant permanent in 1705, giving the church two15 acres for ministry purposes. The church has been home to notable individuals such as George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. These individuals and others have made Trinity a special place in Trinity. It is an active center of Christian faith.