The following article will provide you with the Population & Steets for Tuleta City, Texas. It includes data on population, housing prices, crime, and other important data about the city. You can also use this information to determine if Tuleta is an affordable place to live. The city is located in Texas, 74 miles north of Dallas. It is near an airport and a few smaller towns.
The CDP is made up of several different census data. The 2010 U.S. Census is the primary source for all information. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) program provides measures of the characteristics of the population. ACS values are updated on an annual basis and come from a five-year data set. Among the local government agencies, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development provides information about the number of employed residents, unemployment rates, and population growth.
The population of Tuleta is approximately 4,5,699 as of 2020. The city was founded in 1906 by a group of Illinois Mennonite settlers. The original land owners were the Chittum-Miller family and Peter Unzicker led the group. The ranch was named after the daughter of a Mennonite minister named J.M. Chittim. The first Mennonite church was built in Tuleta in 1907. The community was also home to a Mennonite school, organized by Amanda Stoltzfus, and a Presbyterian church. The city once served as a marketing center for the fertile farming region.
The population of Tuleta is relatively diverse. Among its residents, sixty-one percent is white, while twelve percent is black. A small group of citizens are American Indian, and five percent is Asian. The rest of the population is Hispanic. There are also 2.6% of people who identify as other races. There are many different racial groups in Tuleta. If you're looking for an ethnic neighborhood that's diverse, this article is for you.