Burrville, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Burrville are listed below. These statistics are updated annually. The Burrville / Drakeville neighborhood is unique in that 97.9% of commuters drive alone. This number is significantly higher than the national average of 56.8%. For more detailed information, please visit the Population & Steets in Burrville City page. There you will find demographic data, maps, and other important statistics.

The following information will help you plan your visit to Burrville. You can also search for other nearby towns to get a feel for the community. Alternatively, you can lookup cities that are 100 miles away from Burrville, UT. By doing this, you'll be able to find flights that will take you to a nearby city or the nearest major airport. The Burrville area is relatively small, so if you're planning a trip to Burrville, UT, you should search for flights to nearby cities.

The Burrville / Drakeville area is made up largely of small and medium-sized homes. Most residences in this neighborhood are owner-occupied. Most residences were constructed between 1970 and 1999, with a few dating back to the 1940s. The city's vacancy rate is higher than the national average, but is still below the U.S. average. The median real estate price in Burrville / Drakeville is $191,988. The median rent in this area is $1,451, making it less expensive than the rest of Connecticut.