Castle Dale, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you to find out the Population & Steets in Castle DALE city. There are approximately 1,368 residents in Castle Dale city. The median age of these people is 35 years old. The median household income is $43,333. The ethnic makeup of the city is made up of 5 main groups. The most common language spoken in Castle Dale is English. There are also a variety of races in Castle Dale city.

In 2019, the median age of people in Castle Dale, Utah was 35 years old. Of those, only 28 were foreign born. This means that the population of Castle Dale is growing, but it is slower than the rest of Utah. The median home value was $204,000 in 2018 and appreciation over the past decade was 11.4%. Compared to the state average, Castle Dale, UT residents are older.

In contrast, the United States has a 13.5% foreign born population. The population of Castle Dale city is approximately one-third foreign born compared to the state average of 8.4%. Therefore, if you're wondering how many people are foreign born, you should look at the percentage of non-citizens in the city. The percentage of non-citizens in Castle Dale city is below the national average, but it is still significantly higher than the average.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) uses a default name for the city. This name means that the area around the Castle Dale postal center is referred to as Castle Dale. This city is located in Emery County, Utah. The Census Bureau has a page devoted to the local government and its schools. You can also check out the Castle Dale Museum and its history, which can help you choose a neighborhood to live in.