Cottonwood Heights, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Cottonwood Heights is made up of a diverse population. The majority of residents are white, although about 0.7% of the population are black and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders. The remaining 16.2% are Hispanic, and 2.6% identify as "other" races. When completing the census, respondents are asked to indicate their ancestry. Most commonly reported ancestry is English, while Scottish and Irish ancestry are also very common. Moreover, the city of Cottonwood Heights has a high concentration of immigrants from Iceland and Denmark.

The average age of residents in Cottonwood Heights, UT is 39. The median age of foreign-born residents is 45. This means the city is becoming increasingly young. In 2020, the country of birth of the largest percentage of foreign-born residents of Cottonwood Heights was Mexico. In addition, nine hundred and eighty-six individuals were born in India. In contrast, a mere four percent of residents were born in Canada.

The average temperature in Cottonwood Heights is 39 degrees Fahrenheit. The city has four seasons, from winter to summer. Winters are chilly, while summers are warm and pleasant. The city's four-season climate makes it a perfect place for outdoor activities.

In terms of population, the city is the third largest in the Salt Lake Valley. According to the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey, Cottonwood Heights will have a population of 33,865 by 2020. This will place the city third in the greater Salt Lake area behind Sandy (96,137). It is expected to increase by four-hundred residents by 2040.