Hildale, Utah Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Hildel City, Utah? You're not the only one. There are several other Utah cities with similar demographics. See the Population & Steets of Hildale City, UT to get a feel for its size and population. If you haven't been to Hildale, you should! With its unique history, Hildale is an excellent place to explore.

You can see the population density for Hildale by using the ESRI and Census data. The percentage of households with a single male is 20%, compared to the state and national average. You can also view the proportion of single women in Hildale versus the general population to get an idea of how many single women are living in the area. Luckily, this is still much higher than in most cities in Utah.

The population of Hildale is 2,896 people, making it the sixth-most-populous city in the US. The median property value was $115,000 in 2018, and 14% of residents are homeowners. The average commute time in Hildale was 12.4 minutes. The median number of cars per household is five. Compared to other cities, Hildale is a relatively affluent place, but it still has a high rate of poverty.

The Hildale Police Department was reformed in the last few years, and a court-appointed monitor has given the town excellent reviews for transparency and openness. It has also subdivided land that was once owned by a communal church run trust. The city's changes have even impressed Lt. Gov. Henderson, who served as a state senator and passed a bill decriminalizing polygamy in Utah.